Thursday, July 30, 2009


So two months ago (although it seems longer). Most people saw my Wife Breanna and our dog Zeus before we left Stockton. We lived in a two bedroom house that we rented from my mothers ex-husband Mark. Who is a really nice guy. Mark helped us more than we can repay. Our modest life became to much for me to bear. Taking care of Breanna's great grandparents Arlee and Lilith Scott. Letting my eating habits decline and drop to nearly none existing. My exercise routine was a thing of the past. On and off my treatments doing them on the days when feeling well enough, slaking on my great days and only getting one set in a day even then . The days I was really busy not even one. I was completely selfish. Only thinking about whether my time was better spent "enjoying life". That consisted of sitting at my house watching t.v, being at a friends, just hanging out going to the local coffee shop to search the web, or go see my family.
Mostly to play with my dog Zeus whom I love. Zeus was my day time companion while my wife was at work. During coughing fits Zeus would get a sad look on his face and run over to me to see if I was OK. He would also come and lay by me when doing my treatments. Which inspired me to do more treatments! That dog went every where with me.

Thanking God is on my list of things to do.In fact its the only thing on that list that is consistently done he he ha ha (seriously). Cystic Fibrosis (C.F ) is my challenge in life. Many of my headaches and obstacles come from this source. It is also a grate source of strength and faith. Through my illness I have learned how just and kind, loving and merciful God can be. If I grasp at the opportunities he gives me, and give him control, he blesses me time and time again. I cant do it on my own. Thank Christ, he is my personal savior without his mercy my life would be much more difficult. He has carried me through my worst days. Jesus gave me the best opportunity of my life ten years ago this October, he introduced me to Breanna. When we met right away she captured my gaze and stole my heart.

The most beautiful girl in the world. Her eyes are soft and sweet, full of color and very unique like her. When she smiles it makes my hole world seem to get brighter. Its as if God himself parted the clouds and let a single ray of sun shine just on us. Her energy balances me. Her words fill me with encouragement and joy. Bree makes me laugh. She loves me and when I'm sick she dedicates herself to helping in any way she can to insuring my recovery. Breanna is brave, caring, honest, true, creative and selfless. Breanna has given up a possible "normal" life to be my wife... the only thing I can do to pay her back is to try and treat her with as much love and respect as she has shown me. Thanking God often for bringing this angel into my life.

Together we decided to move with the need to change lifestyle and doctors. Today we live in the Monterrey bay area and I am attending Standford University to be evaluated for a double lung transplant. We live on a large property but we are seprite from the main house so its a walk to the bath or to get something to eat its not down the hall any more but you cant beat the view! We are surrounded by hills and trees and its amazing. We live with some good friends of mine and they are amazing people true Christians. Being around them inspires me to pray, work, and love much more than I was before. I am truly blessed. shell and Tracy are helping me fulfill my commitment to my wife to try and live, and live well for as long as I can. They have opened their lives to us. Shared their home, love, support, faith, . They are a continuous driving support in the fight against Cystic Fibrosis witch threatens my life. We cherish them and they are in my families prayers.


  1. Josh, I love you beyond measure. I will write more when my tears are no longer shrouding my face.

  2. hey there bub - I am glad I found this blog!! I shared with your pops too. If you don't mind, I would like to share out with others. Let me know if you would prefer to keep this quiet or if you want to share it out.

    I love you. We love you.

  3. You make me proud Josh. Proud of who you have grown to be and who you are. I am glad that God has provided you with the love you deserve and the companions you need. I could not have wished for better for you...and it makes my heart glad that you are a blessed man. I love you...
